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Oregon Trail Theology:

The Frontier Millennial Christians Face
— And How We’re Ready 
I have also decided to write a carefully ordered account for you, most honorable Theophilus. I want you to have confidence in the soundness of the instruction you received.
--Luke 1:3-4 (Common English Bible)

A (somewhat) ordered account of one millenial pastor’s quest for confidence, soundness, and God’s love in the 21st century church.
Click here to purchase your copy of Oregon Trail Theology today!

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 Oregon Trail Theology

The millennials of the so-called Oregon Trail generation have entered into adulthood with a great deal of thought devoted to God, faith, and organized religion. We crave spiritual richness and inclusive community and are willing to move heaven and earth to find a place – online or in real life – where we feel at home, much like the pioneers who set out on the original Oregon Trail. While books have been written about ministering to millennial Christians, the perspective of Eric Atcheson, a millennial pastor whose life story spans the gamut of the historic Oregon Trail, offers a fresh take on an oft-written about concern for the wider church.

Disclaimer: While Eric considers writing to be a key part of his ministry and mission, the views he expresses here, in his books, and on social media are his own--not his congregation's, region's, or denomination's. If you discover serious, humorous, or ridiculous doctrinal errors, just roll with it. They are probably intentional.

Praise for Oregon Trail Theology

"Oregon Trail Theology is a wise and wonderful adventure. In these pages, Eric Atcheson sends us packing, giving us everything we need for effective ministry with millennials."

--Carol Howard Merritt, Senior Pastor of First Presbyterian Church (PC-USA) of Spring City, Tennessee, and author of Healing Spiritual Wounds: Reconnecting with a Loving God After Experiencing a Hurtful Church

"Hallelujah for this fantastic resource from Eric Atcheson. What a relief from the sensationalistic, us-vs-them think pieces on millennials and the church...This is a superb resource for pastors, especially pastors with age and stage diverse congregations--Eric has boots on the ground, grounded in community, doing the work in his own church, and that is such a gift. I felt seen, known, and heard while I read this book, especially as a liberal queer Christian committed to the Gospel, which I barely ever do when reading things about “millennials and the church.”"

--Laura Jean Truman, contributor to Preaching as Resistance: Voices of Hope, Justice, and Solidarity
"This book provides an overview of the immediate leadership crisis facing churches, and how they can embrace the new wave of millennial pioneers who want the church to adapt to face the next journey of faith. Eric writes conversationally, sharing personal stories intermingled with theology, pop culture, and strategies."

--Sarah Stonesifer, Digital Missioner and Learning Lab Coordinator, The Center for the Teaching of Ministry at Virginia Theological Seminary

"As a member of the Oregon Trail generation, the mere sight of a pixelated green covered wagon is enough to sweep me into a river of nostalgia. But Eric Atcheson challenges us to move away from the nostalgia for the past of either our churches or our country. He offers, instead, trail markers for congregations seeking to share the journey with a generation of faithful millennials."

--David Finnegan-Hosey, Director of Campus Ministries at Barton College and author of Christ on the Psych Ward
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